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Worried about a Recession or Stock Market Crash? Here’s How Precious Metals Perform [CHARTS]

30 July 2022 By Jeff Clark, Senior Analyst, Convinced a recession is here? Worried the stock market isn’t done crashing? It’s a distinct possibility things could get worse. Which raises a natural question: how does gold—and all precious metals for that matter—perform during these events? If we use history as a guide, there’s a

Worried about a Recession or Stock Market Crash? Here’s How Precious Metals Perform [CHARTS] Read More »

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Russia Turns To Gold, Platinum, Diamonds and Rare Earths As Ruble Value Diminishes

21 March 2022 From Russia Briefing: US analysts had better have had their sums right in casting out Moscow when it comes to Russian global dominance in precious metals, diamonds, and rare earths, while the US dollar continues its decline against global gold reserves by Chris Devonshire-Ellis Back in early February, just prior to the

Russia Turns To Gold, Platinum, Diamonds and Rare Earths As Ruble Value Diminishes Read More »

Gold is going to $3,000 when war breaks out but Bitcoin will still lag, here’s why – Frank Holmes

24 Feb 2022 By David Lin, Tensions continue to rise in Eastern Europe as Russian President Vladimir Putin vowed a “strong response” to the West if sanctions continue. Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. global investors said that gold has historically performed well during political crises and sees the price climbing as much as 50%

Gold is going to $3,000 when war breaks out but Bitcoin will still lag, here’s why – Frank Holmes Read More »

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Sound Money Is a Prerequisite to Peace, Prosperity, and Freedom

6 Nov 2021 By Patrick Barron, Mises Institute: There are many good recommendations promoted by Austrian school economists for improving the economy. Although we enjoy successes periodically, most–such as deregulating trucking and airline pricing–involve eliminating previous government interventions. These successes are to be celebrated, of course. But no one can deny that government intervention into

Sound Money Is a Prerequisite to Peace, Prosperity, and Freedom Read More »

Meet The Mastermind Behind JPMorgan’s Gold And Silver Manipulation “Crime Ring”

28 Jan 2021 By Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge: There was a time when the merest mention of gold manipulation in “reputable” media was enough to have one branded a perpetual conspiracy theorist with a tinfoil farm out back. That was roughly coincident with a time when Libor, FX, mortgage, and bond market manipulation was also considered

Meet The Mastermind Behind JPMorgan’s Gold And Silver Manipulation “Crime Ring” Read More »

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The Current State of The Gold Market During Covid-19 Pandemic In Plain Language

31 March 2020 By Dean Arif, MY Bullion Trade: There have been recent discussions in the gold market about the availability of physical gold. Some social media personalities and news agencies have claimed that there is a shortage of physical gold in the market. However, it is not so much about the shortage of gold,

The Current State of The Gold Market During Covid-19 Pandemic In Plain Language Read More »