Dean Arif

Buy Gold Because of Uncertainty not Doomsday

3 Feb 2017 by Jan Skoyles, GoldCore: Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight World not been as close to self-destruction since 1953 Threat of nuclear powers, climate change and technology all considered heightened risks First time the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have singled out an individual – President Trump Doom-mongering is arguably distracting and uncertainties

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Using gold as money

25 Jan 2017 by Alasdair Macleod, GoldMoney: Goldmoney’s Personal, Business, and Wealth products are among the first to achieve recognition as compliant with the new Shariah gold standard,… …established by the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions, AAOIFI, in conjunction with the World Gold Council has developed the Shariah standard on gold, which

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